Ingat atau tidak?
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Alhamdulillah bersyukur akhirnya terhasil juga blog ini.
Blablabla. Dah tak tau nak tulis apa.
First sekali nak cakap, blog ini untuk batch 11 SMIH. Macam2 yang kita boleh buat dengan blog nih. Contohnya, menulis blog. Ahah! Sesiapa yang nak join post blog kat sini, boleh bagitau ana.
Harapan ana, agar blog ni dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya, moga kehadiran blog ini akan memberikan manfaat kepada kita. InsyaAllah.
penaip berhemah, tmah
dah pukul 10:02 PM
2 ayam berkokok (klik! :D) tentang General
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Nak Pendapat Semua Orang
Apa pendapat kalian andainya banin join blog ni? (Sekali lagi, skema itu hebat!)
Ana tak tahulah.
I'm thinking about the risks of starting a conflict here.
Ana takut nanti banat dengan banin gaduh.
Ana percaya semua dah matang kan?
Batch sebelas kan ada 118 orang sekarang ni.
67 banat dan yang baki 51 orang tu kan banin.
Batch kita bukan ada banat je.
betul, ana takut kalau anything happens...
Sebab ana yang start off the idea of the blog.
Nanti ana yang bersalah.
Lawak pulak.
So what do you guys think?
Kalau ada banin yang bukak blog ni, bagilah pendapat.
Korang nak join tak blog ni?
Ana harap semua orang boleh bagi idea yang bernas.
Ana tahu ramai yang singgah blog ni.
Please, I need your opinions.
penaip berhemah, tmah
dah pukul 5:49 PM
6 ayam berkokok (klik! :D):
Ana ingin menunjukkan rasa bersyukur kerana ada juga manusia yg sanggup menghabiskan masanya untuk membuat blog batch sebelas untuk kegunaan semua pelajar-pelajar batch yg ke-11(jgn bangga sangat).
Oleh itu, gunalah blog ini sebaik mungkin... jgn digunakan sebagai medan pertempur atau ber'debat'(sebenarnya mungkin takde berlaku, tapi hanya untuk memastikan blog ini selamat digunakan)
(correct me if I am wrong)
Dimulakan dengan

Thursday, 28 February 2008
Wednesday, 27 February 2008
Hikayat Montel si Kucing Bulat II
Dan Patik Montel menghadap lagi monitor komputer (itukah namanya?) untuk menyambung hikayat patik Montel sebelum patik nanti pergi tinggalkan Istana Hidayah.
Dia datang lagi pada patik, kucing yang tidak dapat meluahkan bicara buatnya. Seandainya saja patik Montel dapat meredakannya.
“Montel, saya rasa s e d i h sangat. Montel, tak boleh ke kamu lihat pada mata saya? Montel, kamu pendengar yang sangat-sangat baik. Kenapa kamu bukan manusia? Kenapa saya rasa setiap kali saya berkata-kata pada kamu, kamu faham semuanya, Cuma Allah tak berikan kelebihan buat saya untuk mendengar bicara kamu, Montel”
Montel kesiankan dia. Dia dilongkangkan.
Patik Montel hanyalah kucing bulat bagi kamu. Kucing bulat.
Kamu tahu hanyalah kamu seorang yang menyedari dan ambil endah ehwal patik Montel. Ataukah memang patik Montel halimunan buat kamu dan hanya terlihatkan oleh seseorang seperti kamu hai hamba Allah.
Patik Montel duduk di sebelahnya. Dia duduk juga. Semacam pondok itulah tempat kami bertemu. Barangkali itu waktu senggangnya.
Sekali lagi patik Montel jadi sangat tersentuh…. Sungguh manusia itu sebaik-baik ciptaanNya!
“Ya Allah, ya Rabbi… berikanlah kebaikan buat dia ya Allah. Bukakanlah hatinya. Mungkin kerana noda-noda mazmumah yang penuh dalam hati hambaMu ini buatkan dia jadi tidak percayakan hamba lagi. Kau Maha Tahu hatiku ya Rabbi… Kau Maha Kuasa menentukan segalanya yang terbaik…. Maka, tentukanlah segalanya yang terbaik bagi hambaMu ini jua diredhaiMu tiap hela nafas hamba ya Allah..”
Usahlah kalian tertawakan tangisannya. Doanya setulus- tulus doa. Dan hati patik Montel sangat bergetar mendengar doa yang sungguh syahdu. Bukankah doa seorang sahabat buat sahabatnya di luar pengetahua sahabat itu pasti didengarkan oleh Allah?
Maka, beralunlah ayat-ayat cintaNya…..
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya kepada hukum Tuhanmu lah kesudahan (segala perkara);
Dan bahawa sesungguhnya, Dialah yang menyebabkan (seseorang itu bergembira) tertawa dan menyebabkan (seseorang itu berdukacita) menangis;
Sungguh sayu dia mengalunkan ayat-ayat itu. Ayat daripada surah an- Najm itu mengesan. Betapa optimisnya dia, senantiasa yakin ayat-ayat cinta Ilahi pasti dapat mengubat hati yang dambakan siraman taqwa.. Patik Montel sangat sayangkan kamu..
Adapun setelah itu, patik berjalan seperti biasa, berlegar-legar menghirup udara segar di pinggiran Istana Hidayah.
Ah, patik Montel lapar! *keroncong perut kelaparan*
*[Baca: Kisah ini menonjolkan watak 'dia' yang rapat dengan kucing Montel itu hanyalah penyempurnaan daripada peribadi insan-insan yang pernah ana kenali. Yang ana kenali dan tersemat di hati. Sungguh amat beruntunglah ana kalau ana bertemankan ‘dia’. Tidak mustahil. Tapi nak dapatkan yang baik-baik mestilah jadi yang baik-baik dahulu,
Dengarlah ini; bicara Allah buatmu!!~
laki-laki dan perempuan muslim,
laki-laki dan perempuan mukmin,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang tetap dalam ketaatan-Nya,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang benar,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang sabar,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang khusyu',
laki-laki dan perempuan yang bersedekah,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang berpuasa,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang memelihara kehormatannya,
laki-laki dan perempuan yang banyak menyebut nama Allah,
Allah telah menyediakan untuk mereka ampunan dan pahala yang besar.
(surah Al-Ahzab: 35)
Sesungguhnya ampunan yang Allah berikan, amat2 kita harapkan terutama dosa2 yang telah kita lakukan pada-Nya. Astaghfirullah~ Tapi, punyalah Allah sayangkan kita, diberinya pahala yang besar sesudah Dia mengampunkan kita. MasyaAllah. Bersamalah kita hisab (hitung) amalan kita. bersedialah untuk menuju destinasi kita yang kekal. Sesungguhnya dunia jambatan akhirat. (praktikkan PI f3~)
Peringatan buat kita semua!!~ terutama buat diri yang menulis ini. tiba-tiba terbuka muka surat ni. masyaAllah mafhumnya seperti di bawah;
"Dan apabila manusia ditimpa bencana, dia memohon pertolongan kepada tuhan-Nya dengan kembali (taat ) kepadanya, tetapi apabila Dia memberikan nikmat kepadanya dia lupa (akan bencana) yang pernah dia berdoa' kepada Allah sebelum itu, dan diadakannya sekutu-kutu bagi Allah untuk menyesatkan (manusia) dari jalan-Nya. Katakanlah, "bersenang-senanglah kamu dengan kekafiran itu untuk sementara waktu, sungguh kamu termasuk penghuni neraka."
Antara tiga BUta..~
Tentu dapat diukur
betapa gembiranya orang2 yang buta huruf
setelah belajar bersungguh2
dapat menulis, membaca, mengira
dunia baginya terbentang luas
kerna ilmu dapat dikecapinya dengan puas
untuk mengenal pencipta-Nya yang Haq.
Sukar untuk digambarkan
betapa bahagianya orang yang buta matanya
setelah berpuluh2 tahun mencari penawar
sembuhlah ia dan dapat melihat kembali
cahaya bulan dan sinar matahari
serta seisi alam ciptaan Ilahi.
Lebih sukar lagi..
untuk diterang dan dikiaskan
betapa nikmatnya
orang yang buta hatinya
setelah lama hidup dalam gelap gelita
lalu tersirna cahaya ghaib...
dapat dilihat dengan jelasnya
keindahan hakikat akan sesuatu
Makrifah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Ya Tuhan!
hati-hati yang kami yang buta itu
biarlah buta huruf dan buta mata
janganlah buta hati
agar terasa bahagia, nikmatnya Ya Allah
cinta-Mu yang begitu Agung
kami menjadikanmu seagai tuhan kami yang haq
bukan sekadar inginkan syurga atau takutkan neraka
mendorong ketaatan atau menghambakan diri pada-Mu
hanyalah kerana cinta dan rindu pada-Mu.
Seriuslah lil Islam~
alwaqtu kassoiyyif!!~ (sedang memecut masa..)
alhamdulillah..tiba-tiba terbaca satu majalah yang ana kagum sangat2. masaAllah. nama majalah ni ialah "GENERASI" dan ada sedikit tulisan di bawahnya "pembentuk remaja salafussoleh". tapi sayangnya, diterbitkan pada tahun 1991. sekarang macam tak nampak majalah ni, tapi tak tahulah kalau2 sebenarnya ada.
toyyib!! beberapa peringatan yang boleh dicedok buat kita semua, terutama yang berkaitan dengan tajuk di atas. Ya!!~ serius. di bawah ni salinannya; (harap dapat meluangkan masa untuknya, insyaAllah masa yang sedikit diperuntukkan untuk persediaan masa hadapan yang lebih panjang buat kita semua!)
" Apakah tuhan berbincang dengan ibu bapaku sewaktu memutuskan aku akan lahir ke dunia?" detak hati Saiyidina Ali dalam perjalanan pulang menemui ibu-bapanya. Sebelum dia telah bertemu dengan Rasulullah, dan ketika itu baginda telah mengajaknya memeluk agam ISLAM. Kerana umurnya baru 10 tahun, Saiyidina Ali meminta izin Rasulullah untuk pulang dahulu berbincang dengan ibu-bapanya. Tapi di pertengahan jalan dia terus berfikr dan berfikir. Seriusnya bukan main. Akhirnya dia tiba pada satu kesimpulan: beriman tanpa izin ibu-bapanya. Alasannya mudah; Allah menciptakannya tanpa berunding dengan ibu bapanya. Jadi apa perlunya berunding dengan ibu bapa untuk beriman kepada Allah?
Usamah bin Ziad dilantik menjadi Jeneral Perang sewaktu berumur lapan belas tahu. Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh, naik menggantikan ayahnya, Sultan Murad, sewaktu berumur 14 tahun. Dan ramai lagi para sahabat Rasulullah SAW, telah dibariskan di medan perang ketika berumur belasa tahun. Hingga sejarah memaparkan ada di antara mereka yang cuba menjungkit kakinya agar kelihatan tinggi, dewasa dan layak dipilih di medan perang.
Inilah remaja-remaja salafussoleh, remaja yang sedari mudanya sudah memikul tugas2 yang besar dan serius. Walaupun masih muda tetapi fikiran mereka sudah 'tua' , tindakan mereka sudah matang. ISLAMlah yang mendewasakan mereka. Islam adalah agama yang serius. serius untuk diyakini, serius untuk dihayati, serius untuk diamalkan dan serius untuk diperjuangkan.
KITA bagaimana ya?
-Adakah kita seorang yang serius? (bukan setakat nak memperjuangkan Islam seperti zaman-zaman sahabat, tapi hendak menunutut ilmu...masyaAllah!!~ cth: wajibul manzili (h/w), tumpuan dalam kelas, juhud dalam belajar...)
-Adakah kita memikirkan nasib kita dan sahabat kita di akhirat?
Adakah kita memikirkan nasib Islam dah ummahnya?
Adakah kita seorang yang sedang melibatkan diri dalam satu tugas yang serius?
Tepuk dada, Tanya IMAN. (apa khabar ya? sihatke IMAN kita..sedihnya ia meronta kesakitan jika tuannya tak sedar nak memperbaharuinya. moga IMANmu di"tajdid"kan dari masa ke masa)
Iqbal pernah berkata: "Kalau ingin melihat masyarakat esok, lihatlah remaja hari ini."
syukran kerana meluangkan masamu untuk membaca!!~ moga ia bermanfaat buat kita semua!!~Wallahua'lam.
Tuesday, 26 February 2008
NST: UiTM student survives 19-day Tahan ordeal
KUANTAN, Tues: It was a miraculous survival story for Nor Umaisarah Sameaun who was found on Monday, 19 days after she went missing in Gunung Tahan. The 21-year-old Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) Arau branch student was left behind by her expedition group on Feb 7 and she had to wander alone in the thick jungle.
Nor Umaisarah said she was enjoying the scenery not far from the Bukit Botak camping site when the whole group packed up and left without her.
"I shouted for help but no one could hear me. I didn't even know how to go back to the camping site as the surrounding look almost the same," she said when met at the Tengku Ampuan Afzan Hospital today.
Sultan Ahmad Shah had earlier visited Nor Umaisarah, who was was airlifted from Jerantut at about 9.30am.
"I only had a pack of chocolate sticks with me which I finished on the first day itself," said Nor Umaisarah who survived only on river water.
To compound her sufferings, she sprained her ankle while walking along the river bank and had to take a rest for four days. While she continued her descend, she also slipped into the river and almost drowned.
"I lost my shoes, tudung and spectacles. I almost gave up and took a rest for another five days," said the eldest sister of three siblings.
With bruises and a sprained ankle, she continued her journey and prayed that someone would find her.
"I was so happy when I found two backpacks near the river. I shouted for help and three people came towards me," said Nor Umaisarah, who was saved by two Russian tourists and a local guide.
She said she was lucky as she did not come across any wild animals or scary beings throughout her ordeal.
Her father, Sameaun Hassan, said he was grateful that Nor Umaisarah was found.
"I could not sleep as I was afraid of what would happen to her. But deep in my heart I knew that she is a strong girl," said the 45-year-old fishmonger in Johor Baru.
Sultan Ahmad Shah said it was unfortunate that the incident had occurred although he had repeatedly reminded hikers and expedition members to follow the guidelines provided by the authorities.
"Our jungle is not a place where we can take things for granted. We have to be cautious at all times and must inform the authorities of our trips," he said.
typical scenario during sports.
saje je nk buat peringatan dkt sini.
biasenye kn kalau waktu sukan je mesti ade org gaduh2, emotional, dengki-mendengki.
bende tu mmg perkara yg biase berlaku setiap thn. Especially kpd warga yg lbih sensitive(fhm2 jela ye)..
so, ana harap thn nie x jd prkare2 mcm tu. Memang kita sbgai ahli sesebuah rumah sukan tu nk pasukan kita menang. Nak tunjukkan kpd org yg kita berpotensi jd juara, tp ana rase jgn lebih2 sgtla. Maybe ape yg kite ckp kite rase biase, tp bile time org lain dengar, jd lain plk. So we have to take safety precautions. As we know, prevention is better than cure.(mcm essei la plk).
ana mmg hrp sgt bende mcm ni berlaku dlm batch kite dn dlm sekolah.
semangat skn yg x bagusla kalau mcm ni nk dikire....
kite bersukan kerana Allah.
jdknnye sbgai satu ibadah, medan dakwah..
bknnye sebgai satu gelanggan boxing..(erk?!)
Monday, 25 February 2008
4 Imtithal's timetable.
so here it is my friends, I present to you... 4 imtithal's timetable for the entire sports week..
monday: LS, rht, komp, bi, chem, r&s, psi, fiqh, pqs.
tuesday: LS, rht, phpn, sej, math, bm,r&s, bio, bi
wednesday: LS, rht, EST, physics, QTH/Haf, r&s, fiqh, bm, bio
thursday: LS, rht, aqi, bat, taf/haf, Add Math, r&s, math, physics
friday: MDP/KP, rht, chem, Add maths, BAt , R&S, aktvt ko-ku
Hari ini hari Isnin
Wa makaru wa makaraLlah waLlahu khairu-l makirin...
Ana meneliti lirik ini. Mendengarnya bagai... Mendengarnya sudah cukup gegarkan hati..
7 Hari
Hari Ini, Hari Isnin
Salahkah Tempatku
Salah Waktuku
Apakah, Rahsianya
Seakan Selasa Baru Menjelma
Pantasnya Masa Berlalu
Bagai Mimpi
Terumbang Ambing
Seakan Dilanda Badai Di Dalam Jiwa
Nafas Terhenti, Alam Membisu
Terhenti, Tertunggu Ditimpa Ragu
Rabu, Khamis, Jumaat Dan Sabtu
Tiada Bedanya, Tiada Syahdu
Di Dalam Jiwa, Pesona Tertera
Kepalsuan Cuma Seketika Sejauh Mana Santapan Hawa
Pabila Malam Dijemput Senja
Di Kala Jiwa Digamit Duka
Kebenaran Akan Menghilang Gelita (Namun)
(Tik Tak Di Telinga)
Jam Di Dinding Pukul Tiga Pagi
Hairan, Tidak Terasa Seperti Malam Hari
Tak Tersedarkah Aku, Mengapa Begini
Butakah Kalbuku, Kelamnya Hati Ini...
:: hipokritkah saya atau hati saya yang membutakan semua? ::
See ya!
Now, one of our friends have been transfered to another school,his name was Mohd Zulfadhli, and his last day with you all(us) was today. Nevertheless, there might be one more chance to meet him tomorrow morning for he wants to take his certificate for stopping school. He's going to SMKA in Johor Jaya.
(geleng-geleng kepala)Sedih betul dapat tahu Zul nak pindah sekolah, tapi ini adalah pilihannya dan dia ada sebab2 yg ana fikir memang pilihannya yg baik juga. Kelas 4 Indhibath sekarang dah jadi 31 org...
(correct me if i am wrong)
Sunday, 24 February 2008
Hikayat Montel si Kucing Bulat I
Adapun patik ini Montel si kucing bulat gelikan ulat.
Montel tinggal tidak jauh dari Istana yang masyhur di pelusuk dunia.
Namanya Hidayah. Petunjuk Allah. Allah jadikan Montel dan segala isi alam.
Sukalah Montel katakan di Hidayah segalanya serba sempurna.
Serba atau serbi atau ... ?
Montel paling rapat bersama dengan seorang hamba Allah ini.
Montel selalu ingin bersamanya.
Elok rupa parasnya?
Cemerlang akademiknya?
Semua itu tak mungkin menjamin kebahagiaan Montel.
Montel tidak akan mengerti pun apa gunanya semua itu.
Rupa paras dan cemerlang akademik tiadalah jaminannya buat Montel.
Adapun Montel ini hanyalah seekor kucing biasa yang bulat.
Arakian patik Montel mohon ampun andai mencalar sukma sesiapa.
Dan kerana apa patik ingin selalu bersamanya??
Suaranya merdu menusuk ke qalbu.
Alunan ayat-ayat cinta ar-Rahman senantiasa meniti di bibir hamba Allah.
Hatta, tiada siapa yang tahu, setiap petang, kami bersama.
Dia ini mulia hatinya meskipun tiada yang tahu.
Tiap-tiap petang itu Montel duduk di sebelahnya di satu pondok.
Dia ada beritahu Montel, dia akan murajaah hafazannya sambil letak patik Montel di ribanya. Selalunya patik Montel akan tersedar bila dia sudah tiada bersama patik.
Adapun satu hari itu, dia menyemukai Montel. Montel dipeluknya seerat hingga rasa bagai nak putus pernafasan patik. Dia sedu-sedan. Dalam matanya yang berbinar-binar ada cerita. Bulu patik Montel dielus-elus. Dia tambah tenang.
Ya junudallahi sofron
Inna ma’al usri yusran.
Dia lihat ke dalam mata patik.
Patik tahu dia ingin terus mujahadah dalam pahit maungnya menjadi dia.
Dia mengalunkankan rangkap itu setegasnya.
Lama-lama tangisannya langsung tiada kesan.
Dia menjadi dia yang kuat & tabah. Seperti yang patik Montel kenal selama patik tahu dia.
Patik Montel ingin sekali menjadi sekuat dan setabah manusia.
Ah, relevankah patik Montel menceritakan semua ini?
Montel kucing bulat rasa payah hendak menaip.
Tapi Montel kucing takutkan ulat mahu cerita lagi.
Patik Montel tekad! Nantazir wa
[sayangnya patik Montel pada semua. Istana Hidayah tempat menaung teduh, timba semua. Mencari kasihNya]
esok sekolah
Author blog ni dah ramai.
Jadi, ana harap lepas ni ramailah yang rajin nak post sesuatu kat ruangan sebelah kiri yang selalu orang kate xde mende.
Untuk sesiapa yang masih confuse,
1) kalau nak post, sile buat tajuk.
2) tarikh dan masa akan automatik keluar sendiri
3) penaip berhemah pun automatik gune username author
4) dekat tempat post, ade tempat untuk letak label, atau tags. labels nih untuk nak memudahkan sesiapa untuk nak carik balik post yang die nak contohnya pasal rehlah etc.. kalau tulis post, nak letak lables atau x terpulang.
kepada admin,
1) kalau nak ubah design blog nih, pastikan segala archive tak hilang.
2) pastikan jugak shoutbox xhilang
(due mende kat atas nih pernah terjadi dulu. jenuh nak betulkan balik)
3) pastikan kalau nak tambah apa2 kat blog nih, jangan sampai blog ni jadi berat. susah bagi mereka yang internet connection agak lambat. nak loading nanti lame..
4) jangan buat design terlalu serabut. sampai tulisan kat post susah nak baca dan sebagainya.
kepada semua,
1) kalau nak komen kat shoubox/ kat tempat komen, sila guna bahasa yang baik-baik sikit.
2) kalau boleh, nak buat nama samaran tuh jangan pelik sangat. ntah pape.
3) ramai orang yang mintak gambar masa rehlah, bowling, sukan dan lain2. tapi bila ana letak dekat flickr, orang marah pulak, suruh delete. jadi, sebenarnye, ape yang korang nak? nak gambar atau xnak? tak berapa faham. tak kan nak suruh ana pas pendrive. bahaye tuh. virus dimane-mane. jadik, ana nak tanya, nak adekan flickr tuh atau nak delete?
4) kepada sesiapa yang ada jadual untuk apa2 kelas pun, boleh x postkan kat blog nih?
Sekian, segala kerjasama didahulukan dengan ucapan terima kasih (ayat karangan surat rasmi).
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Biar hidup sendiri dan selesa,
membina pahala,
daripada hidup berdua,
tetapi menjadi pencetus dosa ke neraka.
Biar hidup seorang,
dan berenang menuju Ilahi dengan selesa dan bahagia,
dari hidup berdua,
dan merasakan diri masih menggoda untuk semua.
Biar hidup sendiri,
dan masih kekal serinya,
daripada dikelilingi lelaki,
tetapi telah hilang maruah diri.
Muslimah terbaik tidak mudah ditemui di mana-mana,
Dia satu dalm seribu,
terlalu sukar untuk mencarinya.
Biar menjadi rama-rama,
dengan sayapnya yang terang dan indah,
daripada sang kalkatu yang menerjah api.
Wahai muslimah, hargailah diri anda, anda yang menentukannya..
Friday, 22 February 2008
eid milad mahbubat
Hari Ahad kawan kita menyambut hari lahirnya.
Kelmarin birthday kawan kita.
Semalam birthday kawan kita juga.
Hari ini 2 orang kawan kita dah 16 tahun.
ya za-l Jalali wa-l Ikram..
hadiahi mereka dengan permata-permata indahMu
buat mereka menuju cintaMu... selalu...
P.s: Hehe.. ramai betul yang eid miladnya bulan februari. bulan lahir ana tak ramai pun mcm yang ini. huhu...
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Jalan Juang
heheheheheheh muke bahagie... esok hari last ujian!!
stakat ni UB mcm boring sebab asyik2 jwb pekse, boring pastu tido... haha.. oh baru teringat bahawa jaketku telah tertinggal di dalam dewan, sile jgn rembat....
apesal ana merepek kat sini... okeh tukar mood. serius dan skema.
Kepada semua pelajar Form 4, teruskan perjuangan! :D
Marilah kita bersusah-susah di dunia, bersenang-senang di akhirat nanti...
Biarlah fizikal kita penat dengan kelas tambahan, qiam, aktiviti, mukhayyam, latihan sukan, tambah dengan homework lagi, tapi jiwa kita terisi dengan tarbiyyah... Bak kata sorang ustazah tu yang nama dia start ngan huruf M, ya tepat sekali tekaan anda, itulah dia kakak ipar ana (sila kembali ke mood skema...) katanya, "Perjuangan tak kenal erti susah.."
Perjuangan kita bermula di sini.... SMIH!
Oh ye tahukah anda bahawa yuran SMIH dan SRIH telah naik? Jadi hargailah setiap detik di SMIH, bak kata ustaz anuar kepada 2 thiqah 2006 dalam kelas yang bercat merah dan oren (huhu rindunye..), "Carilah permata sebanyak mungkin di sini sebab permata-permata inilah yang akan menerangi jalan antum di depan sana......"
Jadi selamat berjuang kawan-kawan!
Terimalah... Izzatul Islam, JALAN JUANG
Sabarlah wahai saudaraku
Tuk menggapai cita
Jalan yang kau tempuh
sangat panjang
Tak sekedar bongkah batu karang
Yakinlah wahai saudaraku
Kemenangan kan menjelang
Walau tak kita hadapi masanya
Tetaplah Al-Haq pasti menang
Tanam di hati benih iman sejati
Berpadu dengan jiwa Rabbani
Tempa jasadmu jadi pahlawan sejati
Tuk tegakkan kalimat Ilahi
Pancang tekadmu
Jangan mudah mengeluh
Pastikan azzam-mu smakin meninggi
Kejayaan Islam bukanlah
Sekedar mimpi
Namun janji Allah
Yang Haq dan pasti…!!
Happy Birthday!
Assalamu'alaykum w.b.t,
This is my first entry in this blog, so I don't have much of ideas. So I would like to wish a happy birthday to everyone who is his/her birthday in February. Well, I was supposed to say this at the beginning of the month. Well, sorry for the late wishes to anyone who I missed.
Ade jugak org yg fikir, 'siapalah si budak narmi nih'. Well, I'll give you a clue and you might be shocked(well, not everyone).
CLUE: reverse the word NARMI
(correct me if I am wrong)
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Ya, seperti yang antum sedia maklum, blog ini diuruskan hampir 100% oleh banat. Walau bagaimanapun untuk pengetahuan anda, blog ini juga mempunyai author banin seramai 5 orang (yang dah jadi author), 6 orang sedang dalam proses invitation, dan 3 orang telah dijadikan admin.
Tapi kenapa masih banat yang buat semua?
1. Banat lebih cenderung untuk menulis dan meluahkan sesuatu. Banin biasanya jenis yang memendam.
2. Banat lebih biasa blogging, banin biasanya tak.
3. Banat ramai yang duduk rumah, banin ramai yang asrama.
4. Banat mengambil inisiatif untuk melakukan sesuatu, banin mungkin busy untuk menguruskan sesuatu seperti sebuah blog.
5. Banat mudah dipengaruhi, sebab tu ramai yang jadi bloggers hasil pengaruh rakan sebaya.
6. Banat lebih selesa jika suaranya didengari, tak tahulah banin macam mana.
7. Orang seperti ana tergolong dalam golongan yang susah nak percaya kat orang lain dalam bab-bab pengurusan (haha, blame me), ana takut terjadi sesuatu yang tidak diingini macam yang pernah berlaku dulu, design blog ini tiba2 berubah dan byk content yang hilang, bukan ana nak kata antum tak bertanggungjawab, cuma kadang2 kita tersalah tekan, tersalah taip, terlupa nak back up, lalu terjadilah suatu yang tak diingini... (ya baru sahaja berlaku dan telah direcover balik)
Ok? Ana harap semua orang mengerti. Kalau nak buat apa2 cakaplah, kalau nak design logo ke ape ke buatlah... Kalau nak jadi admin cakaplah, kalau nak post entri ke ape, tulislah. Luahkanlah...
Hantarkan email ke batchsebelas[at]
Ok? Ana harap takde yang kecik hati lagi dah. Kalau nak tegur menegur tegurlah, tapi usah mengutuk. Dan please jangan gaduh kat shoutbox. Nanti kena ban. Ada orang dah kena ban hari tu.
esok ujian!
ma'rifah wa nakirah, nakirah takde alif lam, ma'rifah ade alif lam. mabni a'la fiil madhi bi nun niswah. aqidah..ade cap jari sume-sume tuh. mathematics, hmmh..venn diagram yg bdak 4 imtithal semua tak faham pastuh sume tak hantar keje sekolah.
bittaufiq wan najah ikhwah wa akhawat batchsebelas!
p/s: betul ke nanti budak-budak science tulen duduk dalam dewan? ke hanya khabar angin semata-mata?
Tuesday, 12 February 2008
Pergi dan Mengerti
Dan dia pergi.
Dan mereka pergi.
Musytaq lakum kathir2!
Dan kita di sini.
Punya diri sendiri.
[ ehem2, 4 Imtithal adalah kelas yang sangat sweet - tiba-tiba sahaja terfikir frasa ini ;) ]
setelah 14 hari tidak buka internet. agak terkejut dengan blog ini. teruskan mencatat dan menulis taujihat, teman-teman!
aslim taslam.
untuk 4 imtithal dan yang lain-lain .. jumpa!
Special Report: Global Warming Benefits May Exceed Risks
Written By: Thomas Gale Moore Ph.D.
Published In: Environment News
Publication Date: May 1, 1998
Publisher: The Heartland Institute
Pundits, politicians, and the press have argued that global warming will bring disaster to the world. Their dire predictions aside, there are many good reasons to believe that, if global warming occurs, we will like it.
Where do retirees go when they are free to move? Certainly not to Duluth. People generally like warmth. When a television weather reporter says, “it’s going to be a great day,” he usually means the weather will be warmer than normal. The weather can, of course, be too warm, but that is unlikely to become a major problem if the Earth’s temperature warms as projected.
How Warm, When, and Where?
Even though it is far from certain that global temperatures will rise noticeably, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the United Nations body that has been studying this possibility for more than a decade) has forecast that, by the end of the next century, the world’s climate will be about 3.6o Fahrenheit warmer than today. Precipitation worldwide, it is projected, will increase by about 7 percent.
IPCC scientists predict that most of the warming will occur at night and during the winter. In fact, the temperature record shows that, over this century, summer high temperatures have actually fallen, while winter lows have gone up.
Temperatures are expected to increase the most towards the poles. Thus, Minneapolis should enjoy more warming than Dallas. But even the Twin Cities should find that most of its temperature increase will occur during its coldest season, making the climate more livable.
Warmer Winters Are Good
Warmer winters will produce less ice and snow to torment drivers, facilitating commuting and making snow shoveling less of a chore. Families will have less need to invest in heavy parkas, bulky jackets, earmuffs, mittens, and snow boots.
Department of Energy studies have shown that a warmer climate would reduce heating bills more than it would boost outlays on air conditioning. If we currently enjoyed the weather predicted for the end of the next century, expenditures for heating and cooling would be cut by about $12.2 billion annually.
Most economic activities would be unaffected by climate change. Manufacturing, banking, insurance, retailing, wholesaling, medicine, education, mining, financial, and most other services are unrelated to weather. Those activities can be carried out in cold climates with central heating or in hot climates with air conditioning. Certain weather-related or outdoor-oriented services, however, would be affected.
Transportation generally would benefit from a warmer climate, since road travelers would suffer less from slippery or impassable highways. Airline passengers, who often endure weather-related delays in the winter, would gain from more reliable and on-time service.
Warmer Is Healthier, Too
The doomsayers have predicted that a warmer world would inflict tropical diseases on Americans. They neglect to mention that those diseases--such as malaria, cholera, and yellow fever--were widespread in the United States in the colder 19th century. Their absence today is attributable not to a climate unsuitable to their propagation, but to modern sanitation and the American lifestyle, which prevent the microbes from getting a foothold. It is actually warmer along the Gulf Coast, which is free of dengue fever, than on the Caribbean islands, where the disease is endemic.
My own research shows that a warmer world would be a healthier one for Americans and would cut the number of deaths in the U.S. by about 40,000 per year, roughly the number killed on the highways.
CO2 No Pollutant for Plants
According to climatologists, the villain causing a warmer world is the unprecedented amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we humans keep pumping into the atmosphere. But as high school biology students nationwide know, plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Researchers have shown that virtually all plants will do better in a CO2-rich environment than in the current atmosphere, which contains only trace amounts of their basic food.
Plants also prefer warmer winters and nights, and a warmer world would mean longer growing seasons. Combined with higher levels of CO2, plant life would become more vigorous, thus providing more food for animals and humans. Given a rising world population, longer growing seasons, greater rainfall, and an enriched atmosphere could be just the ticket to stave off famine and want.
Sea Levels Pose Little Threat
A slowly rising sea level constitutes the only significant drawback to global warming. The best guess of the international scientists is that oceans will rise about 2 inches per decade.
The cost to Americans of building dikes and constructing levees to mitigate the damage from rising seas would be less than $1 billion per year, an insignificant amount compared to the likely gain of over $100 billion for the American people as a whole.
Let’s not rush into costly programs to stave off something that we may like if it occurs. Warmer is better; richer is healthier; acting now is foolish.
Monday, 11 February 2008

Senyum tanda gembira.
Senyum tanda bahagia.
Senyum tanda mesra.
Senyum tanda ukhuwah.
Senyum tanda sayang.
Tapi ada yang senyum
menyembunyikan duka
tak kurang juga
mengubat luka...

tak perlu dipaksa,
datangnya senyum dari hati,
bawa bahgia kepada jiwa.
Senyum untuk memberi sinar bahagia,
untuk menceriakan hati sahabat yang berduka...
Senyum dapat pahala,
Jom kita senyum kepada semua!

err bukan kepada yang berlainan jantina ya!

Thursday, 7 February 2008
See You Again!
Once again, we're saying good-bye to one of our friends, Nur Amirah. She's switching school and her last day with us was yesterday.
Sedih sangat bile dapat tau Amirah nak pindah sekolah. Kelas 4 Imtithal daripada 32 jadik 31, pastu sekarang tinggal 30 orang je...
So, kalau rajin, buat la tribute for her... Komen jer la... ape susah. ^^
somewhere i belong
semalam dapatlah baca satu buku nih.. about keikhlasan dan persaudaraan by seorang ilmuwan badiuzzaman said nursi. ana tertarik dengan bukti die dan memang rasenye agak terkena dengan perangai batchsebelas dan jugak smih.
" perselisihan dan pertelingkahan yang berlaku di kalangan umat islam bukanlah hasil daripada kelemahan dan kesatuan di kalangan mereka yang engkar bukanlah hasil daripada kekuatan.
tetapi kesatuan yang longgar di kalangan umat Islam adalah kerana mereka terlalu yakin dengan kekuatan mereka dan kesatuan di kalangan mereka yang ingkar ialah kekurangan yang mereka alami...
yang lemah mendapat kesatuan yang utuh hanyalah kerana mereka merasakan keperluan kepada kekuatan tetapi oleh kerana yang kuat tidak merasakan begitu, maka kesatuan mereka menjadi lemah."
cukuplah statement tuh je sebab ana malas nak menaip banyak-banyak.
alhamdulillah, ana dah baca semua komen yang antum berikan dalam setengah helai kertas tu. ada komen yang membina tapi lebih banyak yang menghentam. hanya memerlukan kekuatan Ilahi masa baca semua tuh sebab kalau nak ikutkan kekuatan diri sendiri,kekuatan seorang hamba dan manusia, memang tak mampu.
banyak persoalan yang ana nak jawab, tapi memandangkan blog nih hanya dibaca oleh sesetengah orang je, maka, niat ana nak post semua tuh rasenye tak diperlukan. nantilah ana jelaskan jawapan tuh pada semua orang.
mungkin bukan melalui perkataan dengan kena berdiri dan bercakap dengan semua orang, tapi melalui penulisan. lagipun, susah sikit nak kumpul satu batch sebab mase rehat nak kene siapkan keje sekolah dalam kelas. ana faham sbb ana yang buat mcm tuh. nantilah kalau ana sempat nak menaip dalam komputer.
selagi ana memegang title "wakil tingkatan", insya-Allah, ana akan berusaha untuk batch nih. selagi diri ini masih bernafas...selagi diri ini diizinkan Allah untuk berdiri di atas muka bumi nih.
ana nak mintak maaf dulu sementara ada depan komputer nih andai ana tak menjalankan tanggungjawab ana dengan baik dan tak mampu nak bawa antum mencapai apa yang sepatutnya. kalau ana ada sakitkan hati orang, kalau asyik ana je conduct program, kalau ana banyak sangat cakap and kacau antunna (utk banat) maafkan diri yang banyak dosa ini.
ana hanya manusia yang memerlukan perubahan setiap masa dan waktu. manusia yang tak mengamalkan islam sepenuhnya..
rase rindu pada form 3 yang tak banyak masalah. tapi tuhlah manusia, tak menghargai apa yang ada depan mata. apa yang takde kite selalu risaukan. teringat lagu andai aku by mirwana..
andai aku
bisa mengulang kisah silam
pastiku mencuba
mengukir kembali
kisah kehidupan diri ini
andai aku
bisa diberikan peluang
pastiku mencuba
menggapai impian
yang selama ini ku cita
namun hanya
harapan yang kita impikan
tak mungkin terjadi
walaupun hanya seketika
iakan tetap berlalu
harus aku
biarkan ianya berlalu
walau ku tersiksa
hadapi segala
sudah suratan yang Maha Esa
redha menerima
segala rintangan jadi pedoman kesilapan lalu
ku pohon restu
cinta nan satu
ku percayakan
pada kudrat-Nya..
semoga kita semua dapat mengubah diri menjadi yang lebih baik..amin.
Monday, 4 February 2008
bercakap dgn Allah~
insyaAllah ana buat pertama kalinya menghantar post di sini [syukran Fathimah sbb memberi keizinan utk menjd author] dan tujuan ana post entri ini bukan sekadar memenuhi ruang di bahagian kiri ini, tetapi hayatilah maksudnya yang tersirat.
Ingatlah sahabat-sahabatku semua,
jika kita solat, bayangkanlah seperti kita bercakap atau berkata-kata dengan Allah,
jika kita membaca alquran, bayangkanlah kita mendengar Allah berkata-kata kepada kita.
hayati, fahami kisah di bawah;
Seorang ahli ibadah bernama Isam Bin Yusuf, sangat warak dan khusyuk solatnya. Namun, dia selalu khuatir kalau-kalau ibadahnya kurang khusyuk dan selalu bertanya kepada orang yang dianggapnya lebih ibadahnya, untuk memperbaiki dirinya yang selalu dirasainya kurang khusyuk.
Pada suatu hari, Isam menghadiri majlis seorang 'abid bernama Hatim Al-Assam dan bertanya,
"Wahai Aba Abdurrahman, bagaimanakah caranya tuan solat?".
Hatim berkata, "Apabila masuk waktu solat, aku ber-wudhuk zahir dan batin."
Isam bertanya, "Bagaimana wudhuk zahir dan batin itu?"
Hatim berkata, "Wudhuk zahir sebagaimana biasa iaitu membasuh semua anggota wudhuk dengan air. Sementara wudhuk batin ialah membasuh anggota dengan tujuh perkara :-
1. Bertaubat
2. Menyesali dosa yang telah dilakukan
3. Tidak tergila-gilakan dunia
4. Tidak mencari/mengharap pujian orang (riya')
5. Tinggalkan sifat berbangga
6. Tinggalkan sifat khianat dan menipu
7. Meninggalkan sifat dengki.
Seterusnya Hatim sambung berkata, "Kemudian aku pergi ke masjid, aku kemaskan semua anggotaku dan menghadap kiblat. Aku berdiri dengan penuh kewaspadaan dan aku rasakan:
aku sedang berhadapan dengan Allah, Syurga di sebelah kananku, Neraka di sebelah kiriku, Malaikat Maut berada di belakangku, dan aku bayangkan pula aku seolah-olah berdiri di atas titian 'Siratal mustaqim' dan menganggap bahawa solatku kali ini adalah solat terakhir bagiku, kemudian aku berniat dan bertakbir dengan baik. Setiap bacaan dan doa dalam solat ku faham maknanya, kemudian aku rukuk dan sujud dengan tawadhuk, aku bertasyahud dengan penuh pengharapan dan aku memberi salam dengan ikhlas. beginilah aku bersolat selama 30 tahun."
Apabila Isam mendengar menangislah dia kerana membayangkan ibadahnya yang kurang baik bila dibandingkan dengan Hatim.
Izan, marilah sama-sama kita perbaiki "masa kita berhubung dengan Allah" menjadi lebih baik kerana itulah saat yang paling manis kita bertemu dengan Kekasih kita yang haq (yang sepatutnya)
wallahua'lam,insyaAllah haza faqat wa ilalliqo'.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Career Guide 2: Economist
An economist is an expert in the social science of economics.[1] The individual may also study, develop, and apply theories and concepts from economics and write about economic policy. Within this field there are many sub-fields, ranging from the broad philosophical theories to the focused study of minutiae within specific markets, macroeconomic analysis, microeconomic analysis or financial analysis, involving analytical methods and tools such as econometrics, statistics, economics computational models, financial economics, financial mathematics and mathematical economics.
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[edit] In academia
The professionalization of economics, reflected in academia, has been described as "the main change in economics since around 1900."[2] Most major universities have an economics faculty, school or department, where academic degrees are awarded in economics. However, many prominent economists come from a background in mathematics, engineering, business, law, sociology, or history.
The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics is a prize awarded to economists each year for outstanding intellectual contributions in the field of economics. The Prize Winners are announced in October every year. They receive their awards (a prize amount, a gold medal and a diploma) on December 10, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. [1]
[edit] Professions
Economists work in many fields including academia, government and in the private sector, where they may also “ data and statistics in order to spot trends in economic activity, economic confidence levels, and consumer attitudes. They assess this information using advanced methods in statistical analysis, mathematics, computer programming...and “... they make recommendations about ways to improve the efficiency of a system or take advantage of trends”. as they begin. [3].
It is more difficult to define the professional category of "economists" than to define regulated professions such as engineering, law or medicine. While a lawyer, for example, may be generally defined as a person possessing a law degree and state license to practice law, there is not a legally-required educational requirement or license for economists. In some job settings, the possession of a Bachelor's or Master's degree in economics is considered the minimum credential for being an economist. However, in some parts of the US government, a person can be considered an economist as long as they have four or more university courses in economics. As well, a person can gain the skills required to become a professional economist in other related disciplines, such as statistics or some types of applied mathematics, such as mathematical finance or game theory.
A professional working inside of one of many fields of economics or having an academic degree in this subject is widely considered to be an economist, and any person within any of these fields can claim to be one[citation needed]. Economists are also employed in banking, finance, accountancy, commerce, marketing, and business administration.
Politicians often consult economists before enacting policy, and many statesmen have academic degrees in economics (see List of politicians with economics training).
[edit] By country
Economics graduates are employable in varying degrees, depending on the regional economic scenario and labour market conditions at the time for a given country. Apart from the specific understanding of the subject, employers value the skills of numeracy and analysis, the ability to communicate and the capacity to grasp broad issues which the graduates acquire at the university or college. Whilst only a few economics graduates may be expected to become professional economists, many find it a base for entry into a career in finance – including accounting, insurance, tax and banking, or management. A number of economics graduates from around the world have been successful in obtaining employment in a variety of major national and international firms in the financial and commercial sectors, and in manufacturing, retailing and IT, as well as in the public sector – for example, in the health and education sectors, or in government and politics. Small numbers go on to undertake postgraduate studies, either in economics, research, teacher training or further qualifications in specialist areas.
[edit] United States

According to the United States Department of Labor there were 13,000 economists in the US with a median salary of roughly $72,780 with the top ten percent earning more than US$ 129,170 annually.[5] About 400 colleges and universities grant about 900 new Ph.D.s in economics each year. The type of academic degree, Bachelors, Masters or Doctorate degree had significant influence on an individuals job outlook and salary. While the overall expected job growth for economists remains below nation average, the demand for those with a Doctorate, especially those employed in the corporate sector, is expected to increase at a considerably faster pace.[6] Incomes were highest for those in the private sector, followed by the federal government with academia and high schools paying the lowest incomes. Median salaries ranged from $45,000 for those with a Bachelor to $85,000 for those with a Ph.D. in economics. A recent and continuous study by showed Economic consultants with a Ph.D. had the overall highest median income for any group making $116,250, the median salaries for an assistant professor was $63,500, for an associate professor it lay at $67,000 and $85,000 for a full professor. The overall median income for doctorates in academia was $75,000 compared to $125,000 in consulting and $87,000 in banking.[4]
Policy advising and analyzing of economic current trends are among the main responsibilities of economists in the United States. A recent study of U.S. economists by Daniel B. Klein and Charlotta Stern found that the responses show that most economists are supporters of safety regulations, gun control, redistribution, public schooling, and anti-discrimination laws. They are evenly mixed on personal choice issues, military action, and the minimum wage. Most economists oppose tighter immigration controls, government ownership of enterprise and tariffs.[7] A study in the Southern Economic Journal found that "71 percent of American economists believe the distribution of income in the US should be more equal, and 81 percent feel that the redistribution of income is a legitimate role for government."[8] In terms of political orientation 63% identified as progressive and less than 20% as conservative/libertarian[9] with registered Democrats outnumbering registered Republicans 2.8:1.[7]
[edit] United Kingdom
The largest single professional grouping of economists in the UK are the more than 1000 members of the Government Economic Service, who work in 30 government departments and agencies.
Analysis of destination surveys for economics graduates from a number of selected top schools of economics in the United Kingdom (ranging from Newcastle University to the London School of Economics), shows nearly 80 per cent in employment six months after graduation – with a wide range of roles and employers, including regional, national and international organisations, across many sectors. This figure compares very favourably with the national picture, with 64 per cent of economics graduates in employment.
[edit] Famous economists
- Main article: History of economic thought
Early economists were found in the Ancient Greek world, with Aristotle (382-322 BC) expounding in his work Topics on the topic of human production and further examining the topic in Politics.[10] Xenophon (431-355) also wrote extensively on the Athenian economy in his work Economics. [11] According to some historians, "the pioneer economist of the world" was Chanakya (c. 350-283 BC) an adviser and prime minister to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta from 340-293 BC.[12] In the 1700s, one of the first economic writers was Richard Cantillon (1680-1734), who wrote the treatise Essai Sur la Nature du Commerce en Général. Early founders of economic concepts included the Scottish philosopher, economist, and historian. David Hume 1711-1776) and the so-called "classical economists": English demographer and political economist Thomas Malthus (1766-1834), political economist David Ricardo (1772–1823), and the Scottish moral philosopher and political economist Adam Smith (1723-1790).
Other early developers of economic concepts include the British philosopher, political economist John Stuart Mill (1806–1873); French economist and free trade advocate Jean-Baptiste Say (1767–1832); Prussian philosopher, political economist, and revolutionary Karl Marx (1818–1883); French classical liberal theorist and political economist, Frédéric Bastiat (1801–1850); and English economist and logician William Stanley Jevons (1835-1882).
Founders of important economic concepts who were alive during the 20th century include the Austrian economist Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk (1851–1914); the founder of the Austrian School of economics, Carl Menger (1840–1921); British economist, developer of Keynesian economics, and influential founders of modern theoretical macroeconomics John Maynard Keynes (1883–1946); American economist, health campaigner, and eugenicist Irving Fisher (1867-1947); German economist and proponent of the social market economy, Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966); American economists, Nobel Prize Laureate and proponent of the Tobit model, James Tobin (1918-2002); Austrian-British member of the Austrian School of economics Friedrich Hayek (1899-1992); and American economist, public intellectual, and laissez-faire capitalism advocate Milton Friedman (1912–2006).
Current well-known American economists include Paul Krugman, a public intellectual, advocate of modern liberal policies, known for his descriptions of rising inequality; Jeffrey Sachs, former United Nations economic adviser to the Secretary-General and author of The End of Poverty; and Alan Greenspan, the former chairman of the Federal Reserve.
Career Guide 1: Marine Biologist
Becoming a Marine Biologist
This is a harder question to answer than you may imagine! Marine biology is the field of knowledge relating to marine organisms. But what is a marine biologist? To many, it means being a dolphin trainer but to others it means managing a marine wildlife sanctuary.
There are many answers to this question and I would say that a marine biologist is someone who works in some way in studying, observing, protecting, or managing marine organisms, be they plant or animal. If you study marine fish populations you are a marine biologist. If you manage a marine wildlife preserve and are concerned with protection of marine organisms there, then you too are a marine biologist.
You know you're a marine biologist if you have a notebook or computer in which you record information often about marine organisms. But you may also be a marine biologist if you are collecting sponges, or looking for bioactive drugs that might help people in curing disease. You may be counting marine creatures, doing DNA sequencing of them, observing them in the laboratory or making theoretical models predicting their abundance once fishing is decreased. So marine biologists do many things, but what they have in common is working with marine organisms.
Here's my advice. Love dolphins and whales. Admire their beauty and their grace as they swim and move through their scores of exciting behavioral maneuvers. Worry about the whales, for many of them are in danger. Support organizations that try to conserve whales.
Okay. Now please keep in mind that there are VERY FEW people in the world who study whales or other marine mammals! Same thing for dolphin trainers. Yes there are many public aquaria in the United States, but the number of people that work with dolphins as trainers are also very few. Most emails I get start with "I have always wanted to be a dolphin trainer." Fine, but you better keep your options open, just the way aspiring rock stars usually have a "day job." If every person who wanted to study dolphins went on to do so, then just about every dolphin would have its own personal observer! You are in a vast company because everyone loves dolphins. The important point is: MARINE BIOLOGY IS A LOT MORE THAN DOLPHINS. There are many important areas that you can study. Dolphins are an important part, but only a part, of the universe of marine biology. (Same goes for you shark fans.)
If you truly wanted to do research on marine mammals you could enter this field through one of two routes. First, you could become a biology major in college, taking courses in vertebrate biology, physiology and evolution. Most marine mammalogists were biology majors in college. As an alternative, you could become a veterinarian, with the ultimate hope of understanding mammalian anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry, and understanding the biology of mammals and their ailments. This would be a very rare route, although an interesting one.
Folks with either sort of training might find their way into aquaria and become dolphin trainers. I have to admit: I do not see dolphin trainers as marine biologists, really, even though some of them may educate the public.
Most marine mammalogists work hard at studying the behavior and physiology (functioning in the physical and chemical environment) of marine mammals, do observations on population sizes and migration routes, devise elaborate population models so that we can conserve marine mammal species, and many other things that involve tedious and hard work. They are trained biologists that might have a degree ranging from a bachelors of science to a doctors degree. If you want to learn a bit more about this, see the Society for Marine Mammalogy career website with some answers to questions.
So...what to do? Become a marine biologist or support your local marine biologist! There is a lot to do if you want to understand and save the ocean's creatures. Get to work!!
Here's my advice on what to do:
If you live on the shore, then explore it! Some places are unsafe, especially rocky shores on open wavy coastlines. But most are filled with wonder. Find some seaweeds and marine animals. Take a look at them. Get a little 2 gallon glass aquarium and fill it with sea water. Then put some creatures in the tank and watch them. You may want to have an inexpensive pump and air stone to keep the tank from losing its oxygen.
If you don't live on the shore, go to a stream or lakeside. Turn over rocks and look at the creatures there. Try to figure out what they are. There are lots of guides to freshwater creatures. Try to identify the creatures. Get a little 2 gallon glass aquarium and fill it with fresh water. Look at the creatures and see what they do. This type of curiosity is what started many biologists on their way to fame and fortune.
Go to a public aquarium. There are lots of aquaria in America. Some of them are simply fantastic and many have fun exhibits including live creatures and lots of information. If you belong to a scout troop or if you have some friends, have your parents take you and your friends as a group. Take a note pad and draw pictures of the creatures you see. These days, many of us have digital cameras. Bring one and take pictures. You will amazed what you see when you get home and look at them on a video screen. The same goes for video.
If this gets you even more excited:
You may really WANT to be a marine biologist! If so, you will become a scientist with a specialty in marine biology. If you really want to do this you will be constantly watching everything out there: stars, creepy crawlies in your back yard, and you will like gadgets. Bring stuff home to your room and look at it! Ask your parents about what is dangerous but encourage them to see what you have found.
If you want to become a marine biologist you will have to learn about science. Ask your teachers for projects to do with living creatures. Don't think that you only need to know biology. Marine creatures are made of chemicals and they are physical things, just like plastic toys and wooden chairs. They have strength and chemistry. If you are a barnacle on a rock, you must be STRONG. If you are a blade of seaweed, you must be flexible.
If this gets you EVEN EVEN more excited:
You may REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT to be a marine biologist. If you are lucky you live at the shore. When you turn about 15 you might be able to work in some way or other at a marine laboratory. Your high school science teacher may be able to get you in touch with a scientist at a local marine lab. If not, you might have a great time participating in one or another program designed for teenagers. Some will put you out on a ship and teach you sailing and oceanography (e.g., Sea Education Association). Unfortunately, these will cost money; quite a bit.
While you are in high school you will want to take as much science and math as possible. Believe me, being a marine biologist requires lots of training. Don't think that you will specialize right away, especially in high school. If your school has a course in marine biology or marine science then of course make sure to take it. But you also need a sound background in biology, chemistry, physics, and math.
If this gets you EVEN EVEN EVEN MORE MORE excited:
You may still want to be a marine biologist when you enter college. So which college should you choose? Here's my advice. Don't just choose a college because it has a marine biology program. Many such colleges are not that great and most of the students in such programs don't really intend to have careers in marine biology. Instead, find colleges that are good in science and writing, but also have marine biology faculty. There are lots of colleges in surprising places. For example, Carleton College in Minnesota is a great place but also has a dedicated marine biologist who will inspire you. Gettysburg College in landlocked Pennsylvania is another example of this. Find the best college in which you can enroll and ask whether this college is good in science and writing/communication and also has some marine faculty in whose lab you can work.
Who will advise me about choosing a college?
This is not easy to answer, because it depends on your grades, SAT scores, extracurricular activities, finances, and lots more. Your high school guidance counselor will be a good person to talk about your realistic chances to get into one or another college. You also have to be realistic with yourself about how far away from home you are willing to go. No matter what you choose, it is a good strategy to get to the coast as soon as possible. But believe me, many of the best marine biologists in America completed their bachelors degree in colleges among fields of corn and grass. My thesis advisor hailed from Illinois and went to college in Cornell, Iowa. He arrived at the coast as a graduate student, not even knowing how the ocean smelled, but still became one of the world's prominent marine ecologists.
Should I major in marine biology at college?
Believe me, college is too early a time to become too specialized in marine biology. DON'T necessarily major in marine biology if you really want to become a marine biologist. I know this sounds illogical but it is sound advice. Basic science is still how you should fill up your course work. Yes, take a course or two in marine science or even a minor, but fill up your time with the basics: biology, physics, chemistry, and math and even engineering. It is easier to learn basic science, math, and computer programming now than to pick it up later in graduate or professional school. This is not to say that marine science and environmental science programs should be completely avoided. Some are extremely good at giving a student critical thinking skills across a number of disciplines, while also making students learn the basics of science. Many marine biology problems today require thinking "outside the box," and therefore linkages between different disciplines can be very rewarding. My favorite configuration would be multiple majors that lead a student into creative areas. For example: what about a double major in science and social science, or a triple major between biology, chemistry and engineering? These combinations will lead you toward a basic science education that still lets you apply your knowledge to real-life problems. As many students know, engineering is a major area of academic growth in colleges today. If you want to be a marine biologist, the training you might get in mechanical engineering, engineering skills involved in hydrodynamics and climate studies, or computer skills can be applied directly to ocean science problems.
So what will I become?
Marine biology is a diverse field. Let me quote the University of Liverpool's web page for their Port Erin Marine Laboratory, to give you an idea of one perspective on the future of marine biology students.
"In addition to undertaking Masters or PhD research, many of our graduates have found successful careers in environmental conservation, fisheries protection, water management and environmental consultancies. Many of them work abroad in Europe, the USA, and in the tropics
Former students are now Directors of both of Britain's national marine laboratories in Plymouth, Secretary to the International Whaling Commission and ex-Director of the marine environment for Greenpeace.
Those who have not continued in marine biology entered such diverse fields as journalism with the Sunday Times and flying with the Red Arrows."